UPDATE: June 2009,"The Jakarta Globe"

2015 is the D-Day for the creation of an ASEAN Community. However, Talk to the food stall operators operating around the ASEAN Secretariat and chances are they won't know what ASEAN stands for apart from it i.e. Gedung ASEAN being some sort of a diplomatic place.
It's time therefore for ASEAN to embark on a high impact branding exercise to ensure that ASEAN citizens can relate to being part of ASEAN and the "One Vision, One Identity, One Community" slogan. Just having an ASEAN anthem, ASEAN logo on declaration forms and general capacity building exercises......DOES NOT cut it anymore!
Hence, where better to start than from SPACE...the final frontier i.e. by having an ASEAN Satelite for Monitoring Purposes programme. It is with this motive in mind that a similarly titled Policy Paper was proposed and submitted to the ASEAN Secretariat(ASEC) during my Internship Programme at the ASEC.
The advent of an ASEAN Satellite for Monitoring Purposes will not only endear ASEAN citizens to ASEAN if promoted and marketed right but, more importantly it can be used to monitor/address non-traditional security issues like:-
Natural Disasters e.g. Asian Tsunami & Huricane Nargis
Trans-border Haze
Piracy and other Maritime Issues like Illegal Fishing
and Overlapping Teritorial Claims ( South China Sea & Ambalat ) -
Overlapping Airspace Control issues
( Johore-Malaysia & Singapore and Singapore & Batam-Indonesia )
Countries with a Comparative Advantage(CA) in Satellite Technology are Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. By virtue of having an Astronaut(Angkasawan) programme...Malaysia, should seize the initiative and further expand the workings of the SCOSA - Sub Committe on Space Technology & Applications!

(Clockwise from Top Right: Fauziah Jalil, Myself, Azrul Shahreen, Muhammad Rum & Zokhri Idris. Not in pict. Zikry Kholil).
Fauziah Jalil & I proposed the Satellite Policy Paper Proposal whilst Azrul, Rum, Zokhri and Zikry(not in pict) proposed a Monitoring Mechanism for the Myanmar elections.
Thank you to Mr.Dhannan Sunoto (Director,Cross Sectoral Co-operation), Ms.Adelina Kamal(ADR/Head-Disaster Management & Humanitarian Assistance) & Mr. Alexander Lim(ADR/Head-Science & Technology) for consenting to grant an interview with my team and for the valuable inputs. Our heartfelt thanks is also extended to Ms.Gayatri Probosasi (Special Officer to ASEAN Sec-Gen & Strategic Planning) for helping us with the structure and format of our proposal!
Not forgetting,the ever wonderful Miss Arlene Taulu for making things happen for us.
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